Friday, June 19, 2015

Saturday blog

After an eventful night whereby we set our alarm clock to go off every hour to ensure we were not dragging our anchor, we set out around 8 am for Newport. A hearty breakfast was consumed to make up for the lack of sleep and soon the combination of coffee and breakfast had us all up and running. 

Early discussions between our skipper and first officer led to the skipper refusing to discuss the matter further for fear of “getting it wrong”!! Not often that is heard on Grey Power and despite threats of getting such quote banned from our blog, the free press is winning on board!

An uneventful sail and motor took us to the approaches of Newport when a rain squall greated us. Rather than being ordered to wash as has been previous custom, all were allowed to reach for foul weather gear and ignore the soap bar!

The rain squall soon passed and much to the surprise of all, a headland was declared and rum was served to remedy any outstanding medical conditions. Needless to say biddies were also consumed as one without the other is apparently not the same! 

Grey Power was dressed with her white ensign and despite many attempts to raise the harbour master on VHF as per protocol, we proceeded to our anchorage. 

The good weather soon returned and as we moored to a vacant mooring buoy, we were greeted by Andy Green known as Jungly in the Imperial Puna Yacht Club. His vessel greeted us with the traditional flag and much to Dilip’s amazement a bottle of Indian Whisky!! 

Needless to say such delicacy was copiously sampled by all on board!!! 

But then it was time to say our temporary goodbyes!

And then all happened - we were first greeted by Gillian and Paul who brought us some lovely rations of wine, cheese and french bread - heaven to us as we were down to our last bottle of white! 

And then much to Robin surprised Robin Wallace joined us for another round of drinks. All in all a formidable welcome to Newport and if this is the start of things to happen here in the next then days, then bring it own - FABULOUS!!!

So as we settle down to pot mess and a nice earnt rest, we admire our first sunset of Newport. Goodnight!

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